QRZ! Ham Radio 6
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 6.iso
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Assembly Source File
144 lines
page 66, 132
;------ nansi_i.asm ----------------------------------------------
; Contains code only needed at initialization time.
; (C) 1986 Daniel Kegel
; May be distributed for educational and personal use only
; Modifications:
; 2/12/85: Removed code for BIOS takeover, added processor check
; 2/13/85: changed processor check to PUSH SP
include nansi_d.asm ; definitions
; to nansi.asm
public dosfn0
; from nansi.asm
extrn break_handler:near
extrn int_29:near
if takeBIOS
extrn new_vid_bios:near
extrn old_vid_bios:dword
extrn req_ptr:dword
extrn xlate_tab_ptr:word
extrn sr_min_y:byte, sr_max_y:byte
; from nansi_p.asm
extrn param_buffer:word ; adr of first byte free for params
extrn param_end:word ; adr of last byte used for params
extrn redef_end:word ; adr of last used byte for redefs
code segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:code, ds:code
;-------- dos function # 0 : init driver ---------------------
; Initializes device driver interrupts and buffers, then
; passes ending address of the device driver to DOS.
; Since this code is only used once, the buffer can be set up on top
; of it to save RAM.
; If assembled for the 80188-80286, make sure we're using it.
; (drk 7/8/86: this is futile, because we can't return to DOS, because
; the PUSHA done initially didn't save the registers- we would need to set
; up an alternative main routine which saved the stack as for the 8086.
; We would probably want to automatically sense processor type, and only
; change to PUSHA/POPA if they were supported.)
dosfn0 proc near
; ife is_8088
; ; Check pusha-popa.
; mov ax, sp
; push sp
; cmp ax, sp
; jnz dos0_pushok
; mov di, -1 ; pusha did nothing-
; mov ax, di ; tell DOS we are bad device
; jmp short dos0_done
; pop ax
; endif
; Install BIOS keyboard break handler.
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov bx, 6Ch
mov word ptr [BX],offset break_handler
mov [BX+02], cs
; Install INT 29 quick putchar.
mov bx, 0a4h
mov word ptr [bx], offset int_29
mov [bx+2], cs
if takeBIOS
; Install INT 10h video bios replacement.
mov bx, 40h
mov ax, [bx]
mov word ptr cs:old_vid_bios, ax
mov ax, [bx+2]
mov word ptr cs:old_vid_bios[2], ax
mov word ptr [bx], offset new_vid_bios
mov word ptr [bx+2], cs
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es ; es=cs so we can use stosb
cld ; make sure stosb increments di
; Initialize state variables...
mov sr_min_y, 0
mov sr_max_y, 24 ; assuming 24 line screen...
; Calculate addresses of start and end of parameter/redef buffer.
; The buffer occupies the same area of memory as this code!
; ANSI parameters are accumulated at the lower end, and
; keyboard redefinitions are stored at the upper end; the variable
; param_end is the last byte used by params (changes as redefs added);
; redef_end is the last word used by redefinitions.
mov di, offset dosfn0
mov param_buffer, di
add di, 512
mov param_end, di ; addr of last byte in free area
inc di
; Build the default redefinition table:
; control-printscreen -> control-P
; (Must be careful not to write over ourselves here!)
mov al, 16 ; control P
mov ax, 7200h ; control-printscreen
mov ax, 1 ; length field
mov redef_end, di ; address of last used word in table
; Build a 1:1 output character translation table.
; It is 256 bytes long, starts just after the param/redef buffer,
; and is the last thing in the initialized device driver.
mov xlate_tab_ptr, di
xor ax, ax
inc al
jnz init_loop
mov ax, cs
; Return ending address of this device driver.
; If ax=di=FFFF, DOS will refuse to load us.
lds si, req_ptr
mov word ptr [si+0Eh], di
mov [si+10h], ax
; Return "not busy" exit status.
xor ax, ax
dosfn0 endp
code ends
end ; of nansi_i.asm